About Kelly Korenek

First and foremost I am an elementary school librarian and lover of all things book! I am writing this blog as a means to an end-that end being a children’s picture book!  Here are a few other things about me:

1. I am a night owl.  I curse the morning.

2. I eat Eggo waffles every morning-they’re easy and tasty.

3. I LOVE working with children. I learn so much from them every day.

4. I don’t have kids, but I do have a husband, two dogs, a cat, and a bird. We’re all a little crazy.

5. My favorite TV show is Ghost Adventures on the Travel Channel.  It makes me laugh and it airs on Friday night.

6. I love to shop, I love to shop, I love to shop…

7. My favorite city in Texas is Amarillo!!

8. I adore my loving parents (are you reading this, Mom and Dad?)

9. I’m a “chic geek”

10. I am addicted to Reese’s peanut butter cups. I am in serious need of an intervention.

If you happen to stumble onto my blog, please leave me a message! I would love to hear from you! 

I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.

-Jorge Luis Borgis

10 responses to “About Kelly Korenek

  1. Great beginning Kelly. You go girl! Donna

  2. Thanks so much, Donna. This is a first for me!

  3. Love it, Kelly girl! I am impressed that you have so much energy and such good ideas and thoughts after working all day!

    • Thanks, Kellie! Don’t know about the energy-this blog is keeping me honest! Right now I am trying desperately to develop my day 7 idea while eating some strange mac and cheese concoction that I threw together! (Fiesta blend cheese + farfalle macaroni = not bad)

  4. elizabethannewrites

    I am so grateful to have discovered your blog through Perfect Picture Book Fridays. I’m also a participant in PiBoIdMo, and am delighted by the connections, the ideas, the energy that is shared in that group.

    I’m now a follower of your blog, and look forward to your future posts.

    Paradise as a kind of library — that works for me!

    • Thank you, Beth. I feel the same way about PiBoIdMo. It has really been my saving grace. Stepping into uncharted territory feels less scary when you have such a wonderful group of supportive people to share with! I’m following your blog as well-you have a wealth of knowledge to share! 🙂

  5. We have a lot in common. Sorry it has taken me so long to check out your blog. You are awesome to do it.

  6. Do you eat Eggo Waffles, too? LOL 🙂 Yes, I have known for quite a while that we have lots in common! Thank you so much, Brenda, for checking out my blog 🙂 It means a lot to me!

  7. Oh Kelly – You must try peanut butter and Nutella on your Eggo…it’s like a ‘healthy’ Reese’s for breakfast!

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